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Phases of Exodus:

Exodus by definition speaks to a large event. The core curriculum centers on exits that we can make every day. On a project basis, this idea of an event becomes a framework and spirit for this project’s life cycle. Exodus is a conduit, not an organization. This speaks to a larger desire to develop without institutionalizing. In that vein, Exodus is a time-based project that will cannibalize after the fifth phase. 

Text Top: "Settling, Defining & Embodied Self" Bottom Text: "Exodus School of Expression | PHASE ONE" Image of farmer is science fiction landscape.

Phases One: 

Settling, Defining & Embodied Self

Before the embryo of a seed breaks, allowing for the growth of a plant, it must be exposed to the proper conditions. Nutrition and sunlight give way to a confidence that pushes growth past the boundaries of what can be perceived as a possibility of inhabitable space.


This incubation process is at the core of this phase. When I started developing Exodus,
I named these phases from intuition. By the end of the Seed Summer Residency, I felt I had already moved through this first phase, not fully understanding that the first phases had yet to begin. The initial push for Exodus was focused on the external but, at the core of this; phase is the need for an internal exploration.


A journey deep:


  • Embarking | Locate Patch of Earth
    (Setting Intention)


  • Clearing an Area (Uprooting Old Ways of Being) 

  • Breaking Ground (Aligning with Ancestors)

  • Clearing Debris (Threading a Vision)

  • Add Nutrients to the Soil (Sewing Love, Compassion, and Grace)

Then the process of seeding begins.


Phase Offerings

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Time-Based Organizing
and Phases of Exodus

“Since 2021, Exodus has been developing under the first of five project phases. This time-based cycle allows for a project life cycle to unfold, reflecting the realities of birth, purpose, death, and reincarnation. My first experience organizing was in 2015 when I helped organize a summer camp called Mosaic, a project stewarded by Rasheed Atwater.”


Written by Taylor Simone 


Read More (4 min read)  Here

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